The Return of Onshore Wind and Hopes for the NPPF

This country is at a genuinely pivotal moment in the transition to a zero carbon economy. If the new Government is serious about making Britain a clean energy superpower then they are certainly starting strongly and the Third Revolution team is incredibly excited by the prospect of working projects alongside our portfolio of storage. A few thoughts from what we’ve seen so far:
- Treasury-led reform demonstrates the importance Government attaches to it; though it may lead to system and policy changes that some consider controversial!
- Removing the policy restricting onshore wind in England is so important and we would like to see the new emphasising the critical importance of wind, solar and storage in the planning balance.
- Government commitments to build many more houses will not happen without upgrades to the grid and this should be a factor in the location of new (and visa versa). We see a huge opportunity to bring housing and energy together on a large scale by using new housing to justify new grid capacity and in doing so, unlock renewable energy projects, and this means bringing energy infrastructure planning into the spatial planning process.
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